06/09/2018 - Empowered communities mobilise government funds to increase their flood safety
Booktha is a village in Bihar state in India, and one of the villages where PfR India is active. During the first phase of PfR villagers conducted a hazard, vulnerability and capacity mapping, based on which a risk analysis was done. The risk analysis provided the basis for the Disaster Risk Reduction Action Plan, consisting of a contingency plan for better flood preparedness, and a village development plan aiming at reducing the disaster risk. The communities themselves now monitor, update and implement these DRR action plans.
An important step is that these DRR action plans are being discussed and approved in the Gram Sabha village meetings and that they become part of the panchayat (local) government planning. Panchayat leaders then have a strong instrument to engage in conversations at the municipal level, where funding decisions are taken. With the help and training of PfR, different government schemes and subsidies could be mobilised for the implementation of both household and community DRR measures, which in the past people could not even imagine.
The full story can be found here