12/12/2022 - Inclusive risk governance in Ethiopia
This case study highlights Eco-DRR interventions in Ethiopia focused on ecosystem restoration and protection in the Fafan and Liben Zones of the Somali Region. The key risks being addressed within this context are droughts, fooding, and food insecurity. To address this, the project aims to enhance the resilience of communities to disasters and climate risks through the piloting and scaling up of Eco-DRR activities, reaching 44,000 vulnerable people in approximately 80 communities by the end of the project. Specifcally, the project seeks to scale up Integrated Risk Management (IRM) and inclusive risk governance by supporting participatory ecosystem and community disaster risk assessments and action planning.
In addition to the implementation of Eco-DRR measures, scaling up of Eco-DRR action, and promotion of citizen-based monitoring of disaster and climate resilient policies and practices.
A model for upscaling community resilience has been developed through three core components of Eco-DRR: Ecosystem Restoration/Protection, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Climate Smart Livelihoods. In Ethiopia, there is a greater emphasis on Climate Smart Livelihoods and Ecosystem Restoration/Protection by demonstrating Eco-DRR rangeland restoration, water management, and embedding Eco-DRR measures within the Productive Safety Net Programme V. The project further focuses on addressing multiple risks through innovative water and soil management, rangelands restoration and protection, community participation, stakeholder capacity building, and embedding Eco-DRR in institutional mechanisms such as the Productive Safety Net V programme. 18 Community-based Organisations were trained on Eco-DRR and 2,520 community members were sensitized on ecosystem and rangeland restoration and management for addressing overgrazing and deforestation, among other capacity building activities. Furthermore, this resulted in 15,847 benefciaries reached through this project out of which 45% were women.
Find here more information: Case study, Results sheet, Success story