PfR Newsletter, autumn 2022

Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis
Dear <<Full name>>,

The degradation of ecosystems – such as forests, wetlands, coastal/ marine systems, and drylands – is a major driver of disaster risk and a key component of disaster vulnerability.

Over the past decade, disasters linked to natural hazards have had a significant toll on human lives, livelihoods, assets and economies. Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) is an approach where the regulatory functions of ecosystems (such as forests, wetlands and mangroves) are systematically harnessed to mitigate, prevent, or buffer against disasters. Ecosystem-based solutions can provide disaster risk reduction services as well as offer other services of productive and cultural value, which contribute to building communities' resilience to disasters and climate change impacts.

UN Environment and Partners for Resilience have worked together to increase communities' resilience and reduce disaster risks through ecosystem-based solutions, through the programme "Up-scaling Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction". The programme started in May 2019 and continued until summer 2022. The programme was funded by the European Commission (DG INTPA). In this newsletter we are sharing PfR updates linked to Nature Based Solutions, including examples of the work done under this programme and the results achieved.

We hope the examples shared in this newsletter will be an inspiration for others.
Learn more about Eco-DRR at the COP27
PfR partner Wetlands International will host an on-line event on the PfR/ UNEP Eco-DRR programme "Upscaling Community Resilience through Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction – an integrated approach. 

Replicable, successful models from Africa and Asia of the EU- funded project ‘Upscaling Community Resilience through Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction (2019-2022)’ will be presented, aiming at inspiring the audience to replicate the models and interventions in other countries. The event seeks to showcase that integrating climate change adaptation with sustainable development goals and disaster risk reduction can be very beneficial for building resilience across societies.

Date/ time: Friday 11 november 2022, 09:30-10:30 (Egypt). More info
On Thursday the Haiti experiences from the same Eco-DRR programme will be presented at the UNFCCC COP27 – EU Pavilion. This online session aims to enhance the understanding on the role of Nature-based Solutions in humanitarian contexts and promote dialogue between development, environment and humanitarian stakeholders.  There are three associated objectives:
  • Highlight the importance of Nature-based Solutions in the humanitarian context
  • Show case examples of Nature-based Solutions in the humanitarian context
  • Discuss the challenges and opportunities of utilising Nature-based Solutions in humanitarian action
Date/ time: Thursday 10 November, 19.00-20.00 (Egypt). More info
Haiti - increased food security
Enhancing and upscaling Eco-DRR activities to address flood risk, landslides, food insecurity.

The project aimed at strengthening community resilience to disasters through the adoption of demonstrated best practices by farmers and landowners. Specifically, the project seeked to strengthen integrated risk management and inclusive risk governance supporting the development and scaling of Eco-DRR actions and citizen-based monitoring of disaster and climate resilient policies and practices, and mainstreaming youth engagement and gender considerations.
Ethiopia - inclusive risk governance
Upscaling Eco-DRR through the integration in existing planning and risk management processes

The project, implemented in Eastern Ethiopia, focussed on drought and flood risk and food insecurity. To address this, the project aimed to enhance the resilience of communities to disasters and climate risks through the piloting and scaling up of Eco-DRR activities, reaching 44,000 vulnerable people in approximately 80 communities. Specifically, the project seeks to scale up integrated risk management and inclusive risk governance
India - protected wetlands
Upscaling and mainstreaming Eco-DRR approaches to lake basins and a dry-land area in order to manage water-induced risks in urban spaces.

Focus of the Eco-DRR project in India was the restoration and protection of wetlands, rejuvenation of village ponds, and waterbody conservation. The project empowers Community-based organisations to protect and improve wetlands ecosystems and water management with the goal of integrating Eco-DRR action plans into local government development plans and programmes.
Uganda - improved water management
Strengthening river catchment management through multi-stakeholder engagement to reduce flood, drought and soil loss.

The key risk being addressed in northern Uganda is frequent and prolonged droughts in upstream areas and flooding in midstream areas. To address this, the project aimed to strengthen the resilience to drought and flooding of 160,000 vulnerable women and men. Specifically, the project aimed at improved catchment-based water resources management that is risk-informed, gender- and ecosystem-sensitive.
Indonesia - community based peatland management
The Eco-DRR project was implemented in Northern Sumatra. The key risk addressed is the fact that degraded peatlands are prone to fire and subsidence, and the latter results in prolonged flooding. To address this, the project aims to increase community resilience towards peat fire and peat subsidence, as well as enable sustainable development through the implementation of Eco-DRR practices in peatland ecosystems.
The State of the World's Mangroves report 2022 
On September 21, 2022 the Global Mangrove Alliance (GMA) released their annual report, The State of the World’s Mangroves 2022, a compilation of the most current information available on what we know about mangrove forests and what’s being done to reverse the downward trends impacting the coastal trees and the local communities who depend on them.
The Nature Navigator
IFRC's new Nature Navigator is available now. The Nature Navigator is a handbook for disaster risk practitioners. Nature-based solutions (NbS) can be very effective in reducing disaster risk. They also provide numerous other benefits, such as food and water security, and are ideally suited to raise the resilience of vulnerable communities. This handbook offers starter and advanced options, and comes with a rich toolkit.
PfR library
The PfR library is a repository of resources on integrated risk management from Africa, Asia and Central America. It provides open access to the public to search for and download resources  without the need to sign up for an account. However, if you do sign up for an account then you get access to more advanced features, like being able to create your own collections of resources. Feel free to register - it is easy, free, and gives you access to many resources.
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